Space Channel 5 Wiki

Barry Plebio is a minor character who works at the Spaceport 9 in the Space Channel 5 series.


Space Channel 5[]

Multiple Barrys first appear during the game's opening cutscene, where one of them is the very first person to be forced to dance by the Morolians.

Report 1: Introducing...Ulala!

Barry can later be found multiple times during the first two shooting segments at the Spaceport 9's Flight Control Tower. Ulala will need to memorize, then copy the directions given by the Morolians in order to rescue him. Just like every other rescued hostage, Barry will follow and assist Ulala throughout the rest of the Report, once he is saved.

Later during the Extra Mode version of the Report, Barry can be found again, multiple times, during the shooting segments at the Luggage Room. Once again, Ulala will need to memorize and copy the directions given by the Morolians to save Barry. Once he is rescued, Barry will follow and assist Ulala throughout the rest of the Report. When Barry joins Ulala, he will walk holding his wrench, and all of the other rescued hostage will mimic him. However, this only happens when Barry is rescued at the Luggage Room.

In-Game Profiles[]

Space Channel 5[]

Profile Number 005
"Spaceport 9 Worker
"He ensures smooth departures and landings at Spaceport 9. He is tough and reliable, despite complete lack of a sense of humor. The first victim to be put under the trance of the Morolians."

Profile Number 005
"Working men of steel that ensure the smooth landings and departures at Spaceport 9! They’re tough and reliable, just watching them work will give you goosebumps from their coolness! One had the honor (?) of being the first dance victim of the mysterious aliens."

Profile Number 005
「スペースシップ発着を円滑に行なうために働く鋼の男達 !そのタフて頼もしい働きっぷりは、見ていて鳥肌が立つほどカッコイイ! 謎の宇宙人に踊らされた犠牲者第 1号という、名誉(?)あるやられ役でもある。」



  • Barry Plebio is one of the three rescueable characters from the first game who have an unique walking animation, yet aren't listed as a Danceling nor Musicians. The other two are Space Michael and Jodie Bundt.