Space Channel 5 Wiki

Money Bags is a minor character who only appeared in Space Channel 5: Part 2.


Space Channel 5: Part 2[]

Report 1: Ulala Back in Action!

Money Bags first appears in the cutscene prior to Report 1, where he can be seen walking around the Space Symphony, when the Rhythm Rouges attack and force him to dance, like everyone else in the ship.

As soon as Ulala arrives at the Space Symphony, she will find Money Bags being forced to dance along with The Heart Woman by the Rhythm Rouges. Shadow will appear and introduce himself, then challenge Ulala to a dance battle. If Ulala wins, Money Bags will join her and follow her throughout the rest of the Report. If Ulala loses, the Rhythm Rogues will take him and The Heart Woman away.

Report 6: Purge’s T.V. Special

Money Bags returns to Report 6, where he assists Ulala in the final battle against Purge the Great. After Purge is launched into space, Money Bags can be seen marching to the end of the galaxy with the rest of the characters.

In-Game Profile[]

Space Channel 5: Part 2[]

Profile Number 019
"An aristocrat who owns 7 dwarf planets and 16 space cruisers. He was enjoying a secret love cruise when the Rhythm Rogues ruined his amorous plans.”

"Just after you save me, there is a Hidden Command point when everyone says WHOO! and strikes a pose. Press a button when you hear WHOO!"

Profile Number 019
"An aristocrat who owns 7 dwarf planets and 16 space cruisers. He was enjoying a secret love cruise when the Rhythm Rogues attacked. Even worse, since his rescue was broadcasted for all to see, his relatives that caught it on TV have been poking their noses into his business."

Profile Number 019

Profile Number 019
«Aristo proprio de 7 planètes naines et de 16 croiseurs spatiaux. Au milieu d'une escapade amoureuse, les Rhythm Rogues ont anéanti ses projets romantiques.»

Profile Number 019
„Ein Aristokrat, der 7 Zwergplaneten und 16 Raumschiffe besitzt. Er war auf geheimer Liebesreise, als die Rhythm Rogues seine Pläne durchkreuzten. Seit er mit seiner Geliebten im TV zu sehen war, meiden ihn Verwandte.“

Profile Number 019
«Un aristocratico proprietario di 7 piccoli pianeti e 16 navi spaziali. I Rhythm Rogues hanno interrotto il suo segreto viaggio spaziale con la sua amante e il fatto è stato trasmesso in tutta la galassia.»

Profile Number 019
«Aristócrata que posee 7 planetas minúsculos y 16 yates espaciales. Estando en un crucero de amor los Rhythm Rogues arruinaron sus románticos planes. Desde que salieron en T.V. ante toda la galaxia, ha sufrido la ira de sus familiares.»



  • In the French version of the game, he is named "M. Richard" which is a pun on the word "rich" (wealthy) and the real name "Richard".
  • Since he is seen with The Heart Woman in the beginning of the first report, it can be assumed that she is part his "amorous plans" stated in his profile.
  • Except for Man (Couple) and Woman (Couple), he is the only character to wear rings and jewels on his hands.